Privacy Policy
At ReWaste, we are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and we are bound to comply with the Information Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (PDP Act) in the way that we handle the personal information we collect.
Why does ReWaste collect personal information?
We collect personal information to allow our customers to utilise the services of our waste disposal facility. This includes the promotion of these waste disposal services and products and associated market research.
What personal information does ReWaste collect?
Personal information means information or an opinion that identifies you as an individual or from which your identity can be reasonably determined.
The type of information that may be collected by us includes, without limitation: your name, address and contact details, date of birth, driver’s licence number, credit history, pension card number. We will only collect health information when it is required under the applicable occupational health and safety laws.
If you are not willing to supply this information, we may be unable to provide you with some services or products.
How does ReWaste collect personal information?
Directly from you; this may be in person or via telephone, fax, email, internet or surveys.
In some cases we may collect personal information from third parties such as real estate agents. We will only store information collected from third parties where it is permitted under the PDP Act.
How will ReWaste use and disclose your information?
The personal information we collect will not be used or disclosed for any purpose without your consent, unless permitted under the PDP Act.
Please note that we may use and disclose your personal information to relevant statutory agencies, including local and Victorian government. This is to facilitate our compliance with our statutory and legal obligations.
How does ReWaste safeguard my personal information?
We take reasonable steps to protect the information we hold from unauthorised use, disclosure, access, modification, loss or misuse.
We have a Privacy Policy and a code of conduct for our employees, contractors and agency staff.
We have appropriate procedures to safeguard your personal information and subsequently maintain data security and prevent unauthorised access to your personal information. We actively work towards ensuring that we correctly use and disclose the personal information that we have collected.
Where we hold your personal information in conjunction with others (e.g. where your account is a joint one), we will allow each individual access to their own personal information and to the joint information (e.g. account balance and transaction details) but not to the personal information of other individuals.
Other individuals will not be given account balances, transaction details or other personal information relating to your account, unless you provide express permission to disclose the information to individuals not listed on your account. Please contact us if you wish to arrange for someone else to have access to your account details.
Can I gain access to my personal information?
You may contact us to request access to your personal information held by us, by writing to us at:
Frank Portelli
Manager – Risk and Corporate Services
Private Bag 1
Mitcham VIC 3132
Please provide as much detail as possible about the particular information you are seeking access to.
Please note we may charge you the reasonable cost of processing your request.
We may be unable to provide you with access to your personal information where we are permitted to refuse to provide such access under the PDP Act. Where we are unable to provide access to personal information, we will provide written reasons for refusal.
Should I let ReWaste know if my personal information needs to be changed?
ReWaste will make every effort to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up to date.
If you notify us that personal information we hold is not accurate, complete or up to date then we will take action to correct the information in accordance with the requirements of PDP Act.
If you believe that any of the information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please write to Stephanie Salinas, Manager Water to Energy Services at Lucknow Street, Mitcham VIC 3121 or phone Stephanie on (03) 9872 1868.
Can I opt-out of receiving marketing information from ReWaste?
We are committed to adding value to the services we provide to our customers. From time to time we may contact you with special offers or information that we believe may be of interest to you.
If you do not wish to receive marketing information from us, then please write to Stephanie Salinas, Manager Water to Energy Services at Lucknow Street, Mitcham VIC 3121 or phone Stephanie on (03) 9872 1868.
Please note that marketing information does not include amendments to terms and conditions, surveys and other important information concerning our products and services.
How do I make a privacy complaint?
If you have a privacy complaint, we ask that you please advise us as soon as possible by calling us on 1800 051 379 or by addressing your written complaint to:
Frank Portelli
Manager – Risk and Corporate Services
Private Bag 1
Mitcham Victoria 3132