Reuse, Repurpose, Renew.
Our Services
If your business generates or manages organic food waste, ReWaste offers a sustainable and cost effective alternative to landfill. ReWaste is an EPA licenced waste processing facility, with competitive gate fees to landfill disposal
Solid Organics Recycling
Wholesale and market food waste
- Bulk waste from food production
- Catering and commercial food services waste
- Abattoir and animal processing wastes
- Source separated food waste from retail and hospitality
- Process upsets or expired food
* We cannot accept non-organic waste – for example, plastic, glass, metal – or hard materials such as shells, bones, tree branches, etc.
Liquid Organics Recycling
- Liquid waste from food production
- Grease Trap Waste
- Beverage manufacturing waste
- Dairy whey and DAFF sludges
- Food grade tank wash waters
* We cannot accept non-organic waste – for example, plastic, glass, metal – or hard materials such as shells, bones, tree branches, etc.
Packaged Food Waste
- Packaged retail food waste
- Packaged beverages or cold foods
Our Facilities
ReWaste 2 – Lilydale (eastern suburbs) Due to open 2025